
This notice was last updated on 29/06/2020.  Whenever this Notice is changed in a material way, we will provide a summary of the main changes on our website.

This privacy notice is directed to all web users, including users who are also customers, job applicants and investors. Please read this privacy notice carefully as it sets out how we use your personal information.

Please read this privacy notice carefully as it sets out how Kingspan Holdings (Ireland) Limited and its related bodies corporate and affiliates (“Kingspan”) collect, use, disclose and store your personal information. When you use our website, Kingspan Holdings (Ireland) Limited and the related bodies corporate and affiliates of Kingspan Holdings (Ireland) Limited that own the part of the website which you are accessing shall act as joint data controllers who processes your personal data.

Click here to access a list of those Data Controllers and contact details for them. Our Terms and Conditions of Website Use explain the terms on which you are allowed to use our website, which provides a gateway to our products and services, as well as lots of other useful information.

Kingspan manufactures insulation and building envelope systems, allowing our customers to create world-class, high performing buildings in all sectors. Kingspan processes, collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal information in accordance with data protection laws in the countries in which it operates. In Australia, Kingspan is committed to protecting and maintaining privacy, accuracy and security of personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), as well as other applicable laws and codes.

We may change this privacy notice from time to time by updating this page or by notifying you in the course of providing you with our products and services. You will be bound by the changes immediately upon notification or publication, unless otherwise set out in our notice. We recommend that you should check this page from time to time to ensure you are happy with any changes. However, if these changes have a relevant impact on the way we process, collect, use, disclose or store your personal information, we will inform you.  

What is personal information?

“Personal information” is information relating to an identified or identifiable individual which we collect when you use this website or in the course of our dealings with you in connection with our products and services. It is important that you provide us with only your own personal information and ensure that the personal information you provide is accurate, complete and up to date. Please note that you are responsible for contacting us to update your personal information due to any changes in your personal information.

What information do we collect?

When you use this website, and subject to your consent to the use of cookies, as the case may be, please bear in mind that we may record:

  • the areas of the website that you visit;
  • your language preferences;
  • the campaign/URL from where you came to the website;
  • your activity on the website, such as products viewed, resources that you download and any information you provide to us, including transcripts of any communications with you via online chat;
  • information about your computer, such as which browser you are using, your network location and the type of connection you are using (e.g. broadband, ADSL etc) and your IP address; and
  • technical and other information that does not personally identify you.

We do this by using cookies. See our document about Cookie Policy & Control for more information on what a cookie is, how we use them on our website and how you can de-activate certain cookies.

When you, amongst other activities, set up a user account, submit an online enquiry, request information from us, register for a newsletter, register for an event or purchase or use our products or services, we may ask for some or all of the following information, in addition to such additional information as you may volunteer or provide us in relation to our products and services:

  • role;
  • company name (if applicable);
  • email address;
  • postal address;
  • address;
  • telephone number;
  • and
  • project name.

Once you create and log in to your user account for, or submit information through our website we will know who you are and you acknowledge that your activities on this website and information about you and/or your company may be recorded on our systems which includes cloud-based systems.

Some mandatory information is required and you’ll see that indicated by a star (*), but other information is optional and if you don’t want to give it to us, don’t worry.  But it will help us to respond to your enquiry. If you don’t provide mandatory information, we may be unable to assist you or provide you with our products and services for which this information was requested. 
We may also obtain personal information from other sources or third parties, including our affiliates or our distributors, reseller or others in your organisation.

You hereby agree with the collection of personal data as described above. 

What do we do with the information we collect?

We may use and disclose your personal information for the purposes listed below:

  • to identify you and communicate with you, including communicating electronically via online chat;
  • to provide you with this website and our products and services (whether available via the website or offline);
  • to provide you with a user account;
  • to keep internal records;
  • to process transactions and to administer accounts (including by processing of invoices, bills, statements of account and related financial matters necessary to enable us to provide goods and/or services under relevant contractual arrangements);
  • to develop products and services;
  • to develop our website;
  • to fulfill your requests and answer your queries or complaints;
  • for market research and to assess marketing strategies and campaigns;
  • if you already are a customer or other contact of ours, to update our information about our contact with you on our customer relationship management system;
  • to send information updates and reminders from time to time in connection with service and maintenance of the products purchased from us;
  • for quality assurance purposes, including to improve the quality of the products and services we provide;
  • to deliver our own products and services to you;
  • to market our own products and services to you; through means such as newsletters and invitations to events;
  • sending information to contractors, distributors, merchants and retailers outside of Kingspan, so that they can contact you about their promotions, services, events and other activities in relation to Kingspan products and services (this purpose will only apply where you have given us your explicit consent);
  • to comply with our legal obligations; and

to investigate and respond to potential violations of law or of our website policies as well as to potential breaches of our or relevant third parties’ systems and networks. You acknowledge and confirm your acceptance for Kingspan to use and disclose your personal information for the purposes listed above.


We would like to provide you with information about Kingspan’s products and services, and other information from Kingspan, which we think you may find interesting. We may send you such information by post, email, and/or telephone if you agree we can or unless you have asked us not to do so (see below). 

We do not provide your personal information to external organisations (i.e. to contractors, merchants, distributors and retailers, which are outside of Kingspan) for their own direct marketing in relation to Kingspan products and services without your explicit consent. 

If at any time you do not want your information used for direct marketing purposes, please contact the relevant Kingspan company from which you have received marketing so that they can unsubscribe you from their marketing lists. If you have received email marketing from a Kingspan company and decide that you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from them, you will be able to opt out of receiving further email marketing from them by following an unsubscribe link in the email, or by such other means as we may communicate to you. Please note that as we do not as a group operate a global marketing database which means we are unable to unsubscribe you from marketing from all Kingspan companies centrally.

Who do we share this information with?

We may disclose your personal information to our related bodies corporate and affiliates, the organisation which you represent (if you are acting on behalf of an organisation), our professional advisors, our partners, suppliers, contractors, consultants assisting us in the provision of our products and services, government and regulatory authorities in due compliance with applicable laws and other third parties as permitted by law. If we have your explicit consent, we may provide your personal information to external organisations (i.e. to contractors, merchants, distributors and retailers, which are outside of Kingspan) so that they can contact you about their promotions, services, events and other activities in relation to Kingspan products and services without your explicit consent.

Third parties to whom we disclose personal information may from time to time be located overseas, including, but not limited to, our partners and affiliates in [e.g. Ireland]. You consent to any such overseas disclosure and acknowledge APP 8.1 will not apply to such disclosure. Please bear in mind that the countries to which your personal data is sent/accessed from may have a different standard of data protection than the country in which you are situated. However, we have put in place certain protections to ensure that your information is adequately protected. If you wish to know more about the protection we have put in place to keep your information safe, please contact our Data Controllers.

Where organisations outside of Kingspan provide you with a service on our behalf, or help us provide the service to you (e.g. sending you a piece of literature that you have requested from us or helping us respond to your request regarding the technical operation of the website), we may share your personal information with those organisations who will only use the information to provide the relevant service. However, we will retain control of your personal information and any third party service provider that we use must act in accordance with our instructions and protect the confidentiality and security of the personal information as appropriate. We may also share your personal information with a purchaser or potential purchaser of our business.

In some circumstances, we may have to disclose your personal information by law, because a court or the police or other law enforcement agency has asked us for it.

Retention of your information

We only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for us to use your personal information as described above or to comply with our legal obligations.

Where your personal information is processed with your consent (e.g. for the marketing purposes), such personal information is retained until you revoke the consent for such processing, or until the time limit dictated by law is reached.

Your rights, how to get copies of or amend the information we have collected and how make a complaint.

You may request details of the personal information that we hold about you under the privacy laws. If you would like a copy of the information held about you please make your request to the relevant Kingspan company.

You may oppose the processing of your personal information in the manner set out in this privacy notice provided that there is no legal obligation for us to carry out this processing, and provided that this right of opposition has not been excluded by an express clause in the document authorising this processing. However, you may not be able to access, or use, all or part of our products and services. For the avoidance of doubt, processing for marketing purposes may always be opposed. We may still use or disclose your personal information in circumstances where: (a) we subsequently notify you of your intended use or disclosure and you do not object to that use or disclosure; (b) we believe that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of their functions; (c) it is reasonable necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal or equitable claim; (d) to protect the safety of members of the public and users of our products and services; or (e) where we are required by law to disclose the information.

If you think any information held by a Kingspan company about you is incorrect, incomplete or is being processed improperly, please write to us (see contact details below)  as soon as possible. We will delete, block, correct, update or cease to process any information subject to the terms provided for by the law.

If you wish to make a directive about the handling of your personal information after your death, please let us know and we will oblige.

If you wish to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the law, we ask that you send us your complaint in writing to the Kingspan company in question at the address shown in the Data Controllers page. We will respond to complaints and implement any remedies subject to the terms provided for by the law.


Kingspan is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures where relevant to safeguard and secure the information we collect.  However, we cannot, and we do not, guarantee the security of transmission of all such information over the internet.

If at any point you suspect or become aware of a security incident (e.g. your password for accessing your registered account on this website is stolen or you receive suspicious communication from someone holding themselves out to be a Kingspan employee or from a dupe website claiming to be affiliated with Kingspan), please forward the communication to us or report the incident by email to or in writing to Kingspan Holdings (Ireland) Limited, Dublin Road, Kingscourt, Co Cavan, A82 XY31 Republic of Ireland as soon as possible.

Linking to other websites

Our website or marketing email messages sometimes include links to other third party websites which are not within our control. Once you have left our website/marketing email message, we cannot be held responsible for the content of these third party websites or the protection and privacy of any information which you provide to those websites. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy notice / policy applicable to the website in question.

Contact us

If you have any queries relating to this privacy notice, you wish to access or correct or make an inquiry regarding any personal information relating to you which may be in our possession, if you have a query regarding our privacy practices, if you have an complaint in relation to a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or to request a printed copy of this privacy notice, please contact our Data Controllers.

We would ask that any complaint should be made first in writing to us. We will then respond to your complaint in writing and in accordance with any timeframes required by law. We may request you to provide further information about your complaint to duly assess your complaint. If for any reason you do not wish to complain to us initially, or if we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, a complaint may also be made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


By using, or continuing to use, this website and / or providing your personal information after having reviewed this privacy notice, you will have consented to the terms and conditions presented to you in this privacy notice, so that the joint data controllers may continue to process said information unless and until you oppose to one or more of the purposes indicated above or revoke your consent therefor or altogether according to the terms herein.
This privacy notice was last updated on 29/06/2020.